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'No compassion': Viking Cruises refuses refund after cancer recurrence

Adelaide couple left $20K out of pocket and fuming at company's "heartless" response.

alex cole and pennhousman and a viking cruise ship
Last updated: 20 March 2025

Adelaide couple Penn Housman and Alex Cole have been together for almost three decades. Unfortunately, many of those years have been accompanied by Alex's cancer diagnosis, recurrences and extensive chemotherapy. 

"All her scans had been clear for a while and the doctor said now would be a good time to go on a trip if we wanted to. It was going to be a kind of big celebration of Alex getting through all the treatments and recovering," Penn says. 

The couple spent around $20,000 on a cruise that would see them travel through Indonesia and down Australia's east coast with Viking Cruises, a major international cruise company based in Switzerland. 

Penn then asked if they could transfer the funds and rebook for another Viking Cruise at a later date, a request that was also flatly denied

When Alex's cancer came back in late 2024 and she was advised that she could no longer travel, they called Viking Cruises and asked for a refund.

But, despite the fact the couple gave notice of the cancellation 55 days in advance, Viking Cruises denied the refund. According to its policies, Viking said, 60 days' notice was required. 

Penn then asked if they could transfer the funds and rebook for another Viking Cruise at a later date, a request that was also flatly denied. 

a viking cruises cruise ship

The couple were refunded for their onshore excursion costs, but received $0 back on their cruising fees.

Viking not budging on their policy

The company has been very clear that they are sticking to their policy.

"Although we do sincerely empathise with your current situation, our policy was advised previously and any further correspondence received in relation to this matter and the issues previously addressed will be noted, however, we advise that no further response will be issued to you," the company told Penn after several emails. 

Penn says they were annoyed and angry that the company was being hard-nosed and showing no compassion at all. "They didn't care whatsoever about our situation. I understand they are a business, but if they were able to re-sell the room with 55 days notice we should have at least got a partial refund." 

The company did refund them just over $1000 worth of onshore excursion costs, but none of the cruising fee. 

Penn has since lodged complaints with the South Australia Office of Consumer and Business Services and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). 

Viking Cruises did not respond to our questions about whether they could have shown more compassion to Alex and Penn or whether their room on the ship was on-sold after the couple cancelled. 

Travellers beware 

Alex and Penn had travel insurance, but because the cancer was a pre-existing condition that flared up, they weren't covered by their policy. 

CHOICE insurance expert Jodi Bird says conditions like cancer are often excluded in travel insurance policies and that passengers on cruise ships should be aware of the risk they may not be covered. He agrees there is more room for compassionate flexibility from the cruise industry. 

Cruise passengers are often forced to book up to a year or more ahead of their journey, making the risk of medical complications higher

"Cruise ship companies do tend to be fairly strict on enforcing the terms and conditions. I think there could be a bit more latitude there from the cruise companies, especially given the demographics that they have got coming on board," he says. 

Bird says cruise passengers are often forced to book up to a year or more ahead of their journey, making the risk of medical complications higher. 

Penn says there should be some changes in attitude and room for flexibility in the enforcement of policies of cruise ship companies.  

"I want people to know how we were treated and to be cautious about Viking Cruises. If you get ill or get into any issues, don't expect them to help you, they will just take the money and run," she says. 

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