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- Bluetooth
- No
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Is Wi-Fi connectivity built into the lock? Some models offer Wi-Fi with an optional bridge either sold separately or as part of a bundle.
- Yes
- PIN unlock
- Yes
- Fingerprint unlock (biometrics)
- Yes
- Smartphone app unlock
- No
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Automatically opens the lock when your smartphone is within a certain radius of the door. Works with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.
- No
Key fobs included
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Models without key fobs don't support this unlock option.
- 4
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Back-up entry option. The lock mechanism will still work with a key if you lose your phone, forget the code or if the lock's smart features fail altogether. Keyless units may require a locksmith to access if a problem occurs.
- Yes
Remote access
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Unlock the door via the internet when you're away from home or outside the Bluetooth range. Some models offer this feature if you add an optional Wi-Fi bridge, either sold separately or as part of a bundle.
- Yes
Guest access
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Options to allow single or short-term access with a temporary code that expires after a certain number of uses or pre-set time period.
- Yes
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For PIN code locks, anti-peep lets you add a random selection of numbers before and after the actual code to confuse anyone that may be watching. As long as the correct code is entered somewhere in the middle, the lock will open.
- Yes
Autolock window (seconds)
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Default amount of time it takes for the lock to automatically lock if left open. This can be adjusted on some models.
- 5sec
- Adjust autolock window
- No
Unlock attempts limit
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Number of unlock attempts before the unit enters lockdown.
- One minute, up to 5 attempts
Double unlock
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Optional activation of two methods of entry required for added security - for example, a PIN and key fob or fingerprint and smartphone.
- Yes
- Access logs
- Yes
Internet connection required to access logs
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Models that don't require an internet connection store logs in the lock then transfer them to your phone via Bluetooth.
- Yes
Away mode
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Emits an alarm and sends alerts to your phone (remote access only) if someone attempts unauthorised entry when you're not at home.
- No
Passage mode
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Temporarily extends the auto lock period so the door remains open longer. Useful if you're expecting a number of guests arriving within a window of time.
- Yes
- Google Home
- No
- Alexa
- No
- Siri
- No
- Push notifications
- Yes
Set up without app
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Can you set up the lock without having to use an app? Some models don't require an app for operation after the initial set-up.
- Yes (via keypad)
Back-up power
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Back-up power options if the lock batteries die.
- External micro-USB connector for power bank