Good points
• Very good performance in our luminance tests
Bad points
• Increased running cost due to hub
• Lights will not work in the event of an Internet outage, even if already logged in to the app
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- Android app
- Yes
- iOS app
- Yes
- Android widget support
- No
- iOS widget support
- No
- Amazon Alexa
- Yes
- Apple HomeKit (Siri)
- No
- Google Assistant
- Yes
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If This Then That (IFTTN) allows your smart devices to act in a group with one action prompting another. For example, if you turn on the TV, the smart display music in the next room may turn the volume down.
- Yes
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Scenes are used to automatically change the brightness or colour of a lamp (or multiple lamps) to a setting that represents a task or event (eg: movie, or party).
- No
Sunrise/sunset control
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Works by using the regional setting of the device, automatically changing colour temperature to suit time of day.
- No
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Geofencing is a virtual barrier that can act as a trigger for a certain home automation action. For example, leaving your home (with your smartphone in your pocket) could trigger a network connected alarm to activate or the lights to turn off or on.
- No
Away mode
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Away mode simulates light activity, making it look like someone is home.
- No