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Soleplate type
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The soleplate is the base of the iron. A non-stick soleplate is usually easier to keep clean than a stainless steel one, but you need to be careful not to scratch it, as this can cause the iron to drag over time. Polished stainless steel can work well, but is also susceptible to scratching and staining. Some manufacturers use different words to describe their soleplates, for example 'durilium' is an enamel soleplate.
- Enamel
Steam lock
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This locks the steam supply trigger in position so you don't have to constantly hold it while ironing. It's handy for vertical ironing or ironing a large piece of fabric.
- Yes (smart mode)
Variable steam
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This allows you to control the amount of steam coming from the iron. You can turn it up when you're trying to get creases out of linen, and turn it down for more sensitive fabrics.
- Yes (boost on/off)
Refill tank during ironing
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Being able to refill as you go saves you time.
- No
Cord storage
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This is a specially designed heel to wrap the cord around and/or a clip to secure the cord.
- No