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This is the manufacturer's recommended retail price. Prices are generally always flexible, so shop around both online and in stores for options.
- $99
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The soleplate is the base of the iron. A non-stick soleplate is usually easier to keep clean than a stainless steel one, but you need to be careful not to scratch it, as this can cause the iron to drag over time. Polished stainless steel can work well, but is also susceptible to scratching and staining. Some manufacturers use different words to describe their soleplates, for example 'eloxal' is a scratch resistant coating and 'durilium' is an enamel soleplate.
- Ceramic
- Cord length (m)
- 1.9
Weight (kg)
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Weight does not include water.
- 1.1
Weight when full (kg)
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We started recording this in 2023, so some previously-tested models may not list a weight when full of water.
- Stated wattage (W)
- 2000 - 2400
- Website