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Jug for milk frothing
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Whether the machine comes with a milk jug for frothing or not.
- N/A
Milk frothing
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Manual machines generally contain integrated milk frothers. Capsule machines often have a separate milk frother which you either need to buy separately, or as part of a bundle. Some capsule machines use milk-based capsules.
- Sold separately
- Standby mode
- Yes
- Automatic power turn-off
- No
- Removable water reservoir
- Yes
Water tank empty reminder
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Whether there is an alert to tell you the water tank is low.
- Yes
- Hot water nozzle
- N/A
- Removable drip tray
- Yes
Cup warming plate
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A place to warm your cup while preparing the brew, usually at the top of the machine. A warm cup maintains the coffee temperature for longer, preventing it from cooling too quickly.
- No
Recycle scheme
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Some capsule manufacturers provide a recycling scheme.
- Cord storage
- No
Programmable coffee quantity
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Whether you can adjust the amount of water that pours into the shot.
- Yes
- Digital display
- No
- Espresso pressure or milk temperature gauge
- No
- Adjustable water temperature for coffee making
- No
- Adjustable steam pump rate
- No