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- Remote control
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Useful for switching the heater on at certain times (to pre-warm the house before evening, for instance) and to switch it off again automatically.
- No
Child lock
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Important safety feature to prevent curious youngsters fiddling with the controls.
- No
Flame failure safety system
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If the flame goes out, does the heater claim to switch off after a certain amount of time?
Oxygen depletion safety system (ODS)
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The ODS pilot claims to shut off the heater if the normal air oxygen content in the room is reduced below a safe level.
Filter clean warning
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Does the gas heater have a warning that tells you when the filter needs to be cleaned?
Number of fan settings
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A range of fan speeds is useful. Some have two manual settings (low and high) while others have an automatic fan that adjusts its speed depending on the room temperature and the thermostat setting.
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