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Remote controlled
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A remote can be useful for operating and may also make installation easier.
- Yes
Remote as an option
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Most of the models on test can use a remote control although getting one later can be expensive so if you think you want one, get it at the time of purchase.
- Yes
Can install outdoors under cover
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Models that claim to have blade materials that deal with the humidity as well as a motor that is sealed to help keep out moisture.
- Yes
Balance kit provided
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This helps correct wobbles that can rob a fan of efficiency. Some of the latest models claim to be self balancing.
- Yes
Integrated light on tested model
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Indicates if there was a light on the model bought for the test. There may be a version of the fan available without a light.
- No
Light options
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While many of the models in our test can accommodate a light after purchase and will have a kit available, some can't and this can cause issues. We recommend checking with the supplier first if you feel you may want a light later on.
- Light can't be added after purchase