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HEPA filter
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High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) – capable of trapping extremely small particles of dust, smoke and even bacteria and viruses. These filters need to be periodically replaced.
- Yes (HEPA H13)
Pre filter
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A coarse filter to catch big dust particles and pet hair so that they don't clog the HEPA and other filters. These can usually be washed and reused but may need to be replaced eventually.
- Yes
Charcoal filter
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Charcoal or carbon filters are said to be good for trapping odours and VOCs such as formaldehyde. These can usually be washed and reused but may need to be replaced eventually.
- Yes
Ionisation filter
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Generates charged particles (ions) to remove pollutant particles and microbes from the air. These filters need to be periodically replaced. Ionisation of air can produce small amounts of ozone which is a breathing irritant.
- No
UV sterilisation
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UV light can be used to kill bacteria and viruses trapped by the purifier. We haven't tested this feature.
- No
Ozone generation
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Some models use ozone to remove dust and other particles form the air. Excessive ozone can be a breathing irritant and we generally recommend avoiding these models, but include them in the test to see how they perform.
- No
Remote control
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Does the device have a remote.
- No
Wi-Fi app
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Some models can be controlled via an app on your smartphone. The app may also show data about the amount of pollutants detected and removed.
- No
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Most models have various timer settings to run for a set number of hours. Timers might apply only to certain modes such as Night or Away (for use when you're away from the home).
- Yes
Claimed CADR dust removal (m3/hr)
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The model's claimed dust removal rate as per industry-standard Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) tests. This shows how cubic metres per hour the model claims to process.
- Not stated
Claimed bacteria and virus removal
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The claimed percentage of microbe removal, or other related claims. We haven't tested this aspect of performance.
- 99.95