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Fast mode
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A 'powerful' or 'jet' setting that gives a quick performance boost.
- No
Quiet mode
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A low fan speed designed to be particularly quiet. Some models have a quiet mode for the outdoor unit too; handy for running at night.
- Yes
Fan only mode
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This allows the air conditioner to act just as a fan, without cooling or heating; useful if you just want a breeze in the room.
- Yes
Sleep mode
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Sleep mode adjusts the air conditioner's output temperature and fan speed (usually in steps) so the temperature becomes more comfortable for sleeping and the air conditioner runs at lower power and more quietly.
- No
Sleep mode auto temperature adjustment
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"Yes" indicates that the model's sleep mode adjusts the air conditioner's output temperature in steps, so the change is gradual.
- No
Wi-Fi control
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Allows control of the air conditioner via your home wireless network and an app on your smartphone, so you can power the unit on or off when away from home, set temperatures and monitor energy use. It's not available for all models, but is built-in for some and an optional extra for others.
- Optional
Air purifier
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Whether this model has an air purifying feature.
- Yes